
Release v0.2.3 – 2017-04-20

00e03db  bumpversion, AUTHORS, and Makefile
28119ae  Bump version: 0.2.1 → 0.2.2
64ee3f5  updated CHANGELOG.rst and AUTHORS.txt
c93f1c4  bumpversion and Makefile

Release v0.2.2 – 2017-04-20

c93f1c4  bumpversion and Makefile

Release v0.2.1 – 2017-04-20

4745b51  CHANGELOG generation in Makefile
f5a0585  changed CHANGELOG to .rst
40cdcfa  implemented doc hosting at
c2de060  Merge pull request #55 from drsmith48/drs-dev

Release v0.2.0 – 2017-04-19

4abf46b tests
6564d4c changed 'fdp_globals' to 'globals' throughout repo
dea305b changed fdp_globals import
ea12a72 tests
54cb3a7 Merge branch 'drs-dev' of into drs-dev
74c271f tests
ff08bd2 tests
63ce140 tests
af97cda testing for and
8fbaf30 pytest setup
534f00a created new test directory and configured for pytest; run 'pytest' or 'make test'
3f59f74 minor
be1449c minor
a8e38e3 fixed axis removal from multi-dim signals
9400ca8 Merge branch 'master' into drs-dev
8e2d471 Merge pull request #54 from drsmith48/plotpsirz
33c025e debugging eq.plotrz.plot()
7adfae2 bfield() method for equilibria
ddd16a5 minor fixes
ea8852b changed 'zero level' indices to floats
09f779a changed iteritems to iter()
7d32fd6 docs
bab6bbc docs
fa1a1fb docs
17e9578 removed pushes from bumps in Makefile
a06ac9b run 'authors' recipe prior to 'bump-*' recipes in Makefile

Release v0.1.4 – 2017-04-07

a2842c8 added automatic CHANGELOG.txt updates with 'bump-*' recipes in Makefile